Guest reader Gabrielle Bates will be joining us for an evening of poetry!
Gabrielle Bates's poems have appeared in the New Yorker, Ploughshares, Poetry Society of America, and the Cascadia Field Guide anthology. Her debut collection, Judas Goat (Tin House, 2023), was a finalist for the Washington State Book Award in Poetry and an NPR Best Book of 2023. Originally from Alabama, Gabrielle is currently based in Seattle, where she helps out at Open Books: A Poem Emporium, co-hosts the podcast The Poet Salon, and serves occasionally as visiting faculty for the University of Washington Rome Center and the Tin House Writers' Workshops.
Sign up to read opens at 6:45pm. Ages 14+
*Cookies, courtesy of T & C, wine, and tea will be served.
*Hosted by our poet laureate, Michele Bombardier, and Bainbridge Public Library. Event held at Bainbridge Public Library at 1270 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110.